What can you do about your foot pain – plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the leading causes of heel pain. From our heel to our toes we have a tight band that protects the shape of our feet. This is called theplantar fascia. Severe pain is felt when there is pressure or inflammation in this tight band.

Common Causes of Plantar Fasciitis:

  • Overweight.
  • Those who are usually involved in running or jogging such as- athletes.
  • A person who does less exercise or physical work.
  • Diabetic patients.
  • Those whose feet are congenitally flat.
  • Whose cuff muscles are tight.
  • Those who do not use the right size shoes.
  • Those who work for a long time, such as traffic police.
  • Girls who like to wear high heel shoes.

What to do in Plantar Fasciitis?

  • Practice regular walking. Research says; Walk at least 150 minutes a week to stay free from any pain. Sourcehttps://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2712935
  • If you have ankle pain, change your lifestyle. Quit the habit of wearing high heel shoes, tight shoes. Use soft slipper comfortable shoes. Use heel cushions or artificial arches (grooves) if necessary.
  • Get enough rest.
  • Ice therapy: At home, wrap ice with a thin cloth around the heel and massage for 10 minutes. Do this 3-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes. Never massage ice directly.
  • Do some stretching exercises at home. This will make your heel stronger.

A. Roll a towel and hold it with both hands from the bottom of the foot and pull the foot upwards. Hold for 30 seconds of 10 times.

Plantar fasciitis

B. Stand next to a wall with your ankles raised and your toes bent. The muscles in the back of the legs will be stretched. Hold for 30 seconds each time and do a total of 10 times.

Plantar fasciitis

C. Sit in a chair with one foot on the other. Hold the toes upwards with your hands for 30 seconds. Now do it with the other leg. Total repetition will be 10 times.



If the pain still does not go away, seek the help of a good physiotherapist near you. Like other kinds of condition, Physiotherapy is very effective for ankle and foot pain. They will provide you with the treatment of Manual Therapy as well as Electrotherapy. Common manual therapy includes stretching and strengthening of the gastrocnemius/soleus/plantar fascia; joint mobilization/manipulation, myofascial release, deep transverse friction massage etc.  In term of electrotherapy, Ultrasound therapy, paraffin wax bath, shock wave therapy, laser therapy etc. are very effective for Plantar Fasciitis. An expert physiotherapist also may advise you different splints, orthotics or, may do tapping to reduce your pain. He/she will give you the suggestions for lifestyle modification to make a permanent solution to your condition.

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