Mayfair Wellness Clinic

How to Differentiate Planter fasciitis from Heel pad syndrome

(Planter fasciitis vs Heel pad syndrome) Plantar fasciitis and heel pad syndrome are two common causes of foot and heel pain. Both can be caused by sudden increases in walking or running. The two conditions require completely different treatment approaches. But before treatment can begin, the cause of the heel pain needs to be identified. […]

SLAP Tear of Shoulder Joint

SLAP stands for “superior labrum from anterior to posterior.” This type of shoulder labral tear occurs at the top (“superior”) of the glenoid labrum where it connects to the biceps tendon, and it extends in a curve from the chest (“anterior”) to the back (“posterior”). SLAP lesions are considered as separate entities from other labral […]

Erb’s Palsy

Erb’s palsy is a condition involving total or partial paralysis of the arm and hand due to nerve damage. It occurs when there’s an injury to the brachial plexus, specifically the upper brachial plexus at birth. The injury can stretch, rupture or avulse the roots of the plexus from the spinal cord.                         Figure: […]

ইরেক্টাইল ডিসফাংশন চিকিৎসায় ফোকাসড শক-ওয়েভ থেরাপি।

ইরেক্টাইল ডিসফাংশন চিকিৎসায় ফোকাসড শক-ওয়েভ থেরাপি চিকিৎসা। ভূমিকাঃ ইরেক্টাইল ডিসফাংশন (ED) একটি সাধারণ স্বাস্থ্য সমস্যা যা পুরুষদের যৌন জীবনে গভীর প্রভাব ফেলতে পারে। এই সমস্যার পেছনে শারীরিক, মানসিক বা উভয়েরই কারণ থাকতে পারে। ফোকাসড শক-ওয়েভ থেরাপি (FSWT) এই সমস্যার চিকিৎসার ক্ষেত্রে একটি কার্যকরি সমাধান হিসেবে আবির্ভূত হয়েছে। ইরেক্টাইল ডিসফাংশনের কারণঃ রক্ত সঞ্চালনের সমস্যা: পেনিসে পর্যাপ্ত […]

Cerebral palsy and its physiotherapy management

Cerebral palsy is the collective name used to describe a spectrum of chronic movement disorders affecting body and muscle coordination. These disorders are usually caused by damage to one or more areas of the brain. The movement problems can vary from barely noticeable to extremely severe. Cerebral palsy is not an inherited disorder, and as […]

Causes and treatment of knee pain in young adult

Knee pain is a common complaint in older people, but some young adults also suffer from it ,this article explains the condition that can cause knee pain in young adult. What is the knee joint? Knee joint consist of the joint between the thigh bone (femur) and the leg bone (tibia) ; in addition to […]

Role of therapeutic exercise to reduce the frequency of migraine headache

Migraine is one type of headache. People suffer from this type of headache are known about their sufferings. It causes severe throbbing pain usually on one side of the head. Symptoms are accompanied with nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.It last from 1 hour to few days and the pain can be […]

What is snapping hip syndrome?

An audible click or snapping sensation with hip movement. When muscle tendons become inflamed, often from overuse, they can click as they rub over the hip socket bone. May or not be painful. SHS is more common in women, though it can affect people of all genders and ages. Can occur due to three types […]

Golfer’s elbow

Many recreational golfers may experience pain on the inside of their elbows. This condition usually presents with tenderness and also with restricted wrist motion in the direction of the palm. It happens when the muscles that bent the wrist or elbow become inflamed or irritated. Generally the inflammation occurs with repeated movements of the wrist […]

Spinal stenosis: a leading cause of back pain

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal those results in the compression of the spinal cord and nerves. The compression results pathognomonic symptoms such as Pain, numbness, intermittent claudication while walking or standing for a long time. Type of spinal stenosis According to site: Cervical spinal stenosis: In this condition, the narrowing occurs in […]

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